Cyber Friday: Securing the Supply Chain – “No man is an island”

  Supply Chains are vital to DOD being able to execute its mission. They are often complex, lengthy and involve numerous businesses. Understanding what they are, how they are used and what is important to their success can be key to maintaining and/or unlocking business opportunities at either a contract level or at a system […]

The Contracting Academy – Virtual

FULL AGENDA - CLICK HERE The Contracting Academy (TCA) is an opportunity for businesses to grow their technical knowledge of contracting with the State of Wisconsin, Federal Government and Government Prime contractors. The series of workshops will benefit established businesses looking to grow and develop their government sales. Sessions are being scheduled in conjunction with […]

Cyber Friday: Developing and implementing practices, policies and procedures using CMMC reference documents

Cybersecurity documentation will be key to succeeding under DOD's CMMC program. Not only will companies be required to attain various levels of Cybersecurity Maturity they must also have appropriate documentation such as Practices, Policies and Procedures. This webinar will review the requirements established by program guidance and will provides suggestions and examples for how to […]

Cyber Friday: The other side of CMMC

  There does not appear to be an easy or quick path to CMMC; any level. Undoubtedly, getting prepared will take time, resources and tremendous support from the top. Unfortunately, just amassing the tools is a small step in the process. Each company seeking certification will need to create a project plan, a timeline, assign […]

Acquisition Hour: – An Update and Overview has become the official U.S. government website for people who make, receive, and manage federal awards. It is the central HUB for the entire federal awards community–assistance, grants and procurement. General Services Administration (GSA) went public with the new site last August. Once integrated, 10 systems (including,, Wage Determination, CPARS, CFDA and others) will […]

Cyber Friday: Overview of CMMC Level 1

  FAR 52.204-21 is a current and active contract clause that addresses the protection of Federal Contract Information (FCI). This clause is also synonymous with CMMC Level 1, which also specifically addresses FCI. However, there are differences. One is that the 15 requirements of FAR 52.204-21 are listed as 17 requirements in CMMC L1 requirements. […]

Cyber Friday: Embarking on the path to CMMC Level 3

  To be certified as CMMC L3, a company must be able to demonstrate its ability to achieve of both practices and processes associated with L3 but also those associated with Level 1 and Level 2 requirements. As the level of cyber maturity increases so does the formality and documentation needed. As an example at […]

Acquisition Hour: Understanding Trends and Evolving Areas of Emphasis in the Federal Marketplace

Budgeted monies need to be spent and strategic plans require action. Future looking companies will want to explore information available in budget, strategic plans and a variety of other resources to understand their customers and position themselves to take advantage of any resulting opportunities. This webinar will review several of these resources and discuss how […]

FAR Up Close – Overview of the FAR

If you are currently or are planning to be a contractor or subcontractor to the Federal government, it is important to know and understand the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). The FAR is the principal set of rules governing the acquisition process and critical to your success as a contractor. What you will learn: How the FAR […]

Acquisition Hour: Market Research – Successful Contractors Do Their Homework

  Successful contractors do their homework – or their market research. They determine who is buying, how they are buying, when they will be buying, how much they have procured in the past, what they are currently buying and what they will be buying in the future. They also know who are the current contract […]