July 2024


Your Intellectual Property Webinars: The International Trademark Portfolio

March 8, 2017  
Start Date March 8, 2017
End Date March 8, 2017
Time 12:00pm - 1:30pm Central Time
Facility Webinar
Contact Info Hollis Robinson
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For small businesses participating in the SBIR/STTR program,understanding Intellectual Property (IP) ‐ Patents, Trade Secrets,Trademarks, and Copyrights ‐ is necessary to protect your ideas,products and product names in today’s knowledge economy. These90‐minute webinars have been designed specifically to address themost common IP issues facing small businesses funded by theSBIR/STTR program. They will cover all aspects of Intellectual Propertyprotection as well as help you understand your IP Data Rights under theSBIR/STTR grant/contract.

Space is limited to 200 people per webinar! Register early!

Webinars will be offered at 1 P.M. Eastern

03/08 – International Trademark Portfolio led by Susan Anthony (Copyright Attorney – USPTO)

In today’s global economy, businesses engaged in exporting or seeking to protect themselves against intellectual property theft from abroad must have a strategy for protecting their trademarks in other countries. This module will introduce you to the concept of “territoriality,” i.e., that trademarks (like patents) must be protected on a country-by-country basis. In the U.S., trademark rights are based on use of the mark in connection with products or services. But in almost all other countries, trademarks must be registered in the country to have effective trademark rights.  You will learn about some of the differences between U.S. trademark law and practice and the law and practice of other countries including, selection of a mark, searching a mark, applying for registration of a mark, including information about the Madrid Protocol, an international filing treaty enabling the applicant to file one application for multiple countries, variations in requirements for obtaining trademark registration, and maintaining the registration. You also will learn about the various criteria for determining in which countries to consider filing for trademark protection.


Unites States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)