July 2024


USPTO First Inventor to File (FITF) Roadshow

September 18, 2014  Madison, WI
Start Date 09/18/2014
End Date 09/18/2014
Time 1:00pm-5:00pm
Facility UW Madison Engineering Hall 1610

1415 Engineering Dr.
Madison, WI 53706

Contact Info Kathleen Bragdon
(571) 272-0931
Details Read More Information

The USPTO is hosting seven roadshows “to increase understanding of the First Inventor to File (FITF) provisions of the America Invents Act
(AIA). The public meetings will serve as an opportunity for USPTO
subject matter experts and stakeholders to discuss the FITF provisions
and updates since its implementation in March 2013.” The USPTO
specifically wants to broaden public knowledge of the FITF provisions
and assist understanding of the provision’s administrative processes to
aid inventors and their representatives in the filing and prosecuting of
patent applications under the FITF system.

To view the press release, click here.

US Patent and Trademark Office – Department of Commerce