July 2024


NDIA 2019 Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference – Monterey, CA

February 3, 2019  Monterey, CA
Start Date February 3, 2019
End Date February 5, 2019
Facility Monterey Conference Center
Address One Portola Plaza
Monterey, CA 93940
Contact Info Tiffany Milnor
(703) 247-2558
Details Read More Information

The purpose of the NDIA Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Division is to conduct a forum for Government and Military Service wheeled vehicle and related systems.

Program Executives/Managers, leaders and technical experts to present, discuss, and answer questions related to vehicle acquisition program strategies, updates, priorities, technology requirements, and other desired capabilities and characteristics to defense industry representatives in attendance.

Government and Military Service representatives will also receive feedback from selected industry representatives in attendance via formal presentations, panel discussions and one–on-one networking opportunities during breaks in the agenda.

*More information and registration to follow*

National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)