July 2024


Intro to SBIR/STTR Workshop

April 5, 2016  Madison, WI
Start Date April 5, 2016
End Date April 5, 2016
Time 8:30AM -11:00 AM
Facility MG&E Innovation Center; Room 50
Address 510 Charmany Dr, Madison, WI 53719
Contact Info
608- 263-0398
Details Read More Information

“Is SBIR/STTR right for me? If so, how do I start?” Find out in this hands-on, in-person introductory workshop. Discuss what it takes to win a federal grant award, including understanding your audience, proposal content areas, intellectual property considerations, and commercialization path data to gather before you begin writing your proposal.

Participants are expected to have met with a CTC consultant (either by phone or in person) prior to attending this workshop. Please visit http://wisconsinsbir.org/sbir-labs for more details. This workshop and accompanying resources are Stage 1 of the SBIR Labs Training program; talk with your CTC consultant to find out more about opportunities available through the next two stages of the program.

In preparation for the workshop, please consider the following questions:

What is your business concept as based on your innovative technology?
Describe your proposed product/service/innovation.
What problem does your produce/service/innovation solve?
How much consumer market research have you conducted so far?
Who is on your technical and business team(s)?
What federal agency are you planning to submit an SBIR/STTR application to?