Let’s Begin

Today, cybersecurity should be a critical concern for every business. Simply purchasing anti-virus software is no longer enough to protect your computers, information systems, and vital data from the increasing number of threats and their increase in sophistication.

Some companies may be able to protect themselves. Realistically, most smaller companies will need to engage external resources to achieve the needed end state.

It is unlikely that security can be totally outsourced. Relying solely or primarily on third-party or cloud services to provide your security may seem like a reasonable approach, but it is a prudent approach. Total or significant reliance on outside services does not guarantee adequate protection. Owners cannot adopt a hands-off approach. Owners must stay informed about the programs, threats, risks, champion cybersecurity efforts, and set an example to effectively guide these efforts.

Today’s threats are real, varied, and nearly continuous. Company size doesn’t matter. All companies, both big and small, even a company of one, are at risk.  Active attacks and casual mistakes like a misplaced mouse-click or other unintended actions can open the door to attackers. Consequences can range from minor inconveniences to catastrophic business failures.

Cybersecurity requires businesses to focus their efforts on understanding customer requirements, the types of information handled, and the systems used. Tailor cybersecurity measures and efforts to address specific threats and risks, rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach.