Office of Strategic Capital Seeks Public Input on New Loan Program to Support Critical Technologies and Supply Chains

The Office of Strategic Capital (OSC) announced the release of a Federal Register Notice and accompanying Request for Information (RFI) open for public comment. OSC seeks public input as it prepares to issue loans and loan guarantees for critical technology and supply chain components in support of the office’s mission to attract and scale private capital for national security. OSC invites public comment on the RFI from companies and financial institutions, including their representatives and industry associations, regarding contemporary market activity, capital requirements, and where OSC-provided loans and loan guarantees can support investment in critical technologies. OSC is particularly interested in responses from companies and lenders working in the 31 component areas identified as promising critical technologies and assets in Section 903 of the FY24 NDAA (The National Defense Authorization Act of 2024).

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Fincantieri Marinette Marine Testing ‘Exoskeleton Device’ to Enhance Employee Well-being

Fincantieri Marinette Marine is looking to take the pressure off the bodies of its workers. Building massive military-grade ships takes a lot of hard work. In a field that can take a toll on the human body, Fincantieri Marinette Marine is testing out a wearable exoskeleton device with some of its welders and painters. The device, a Comau MATE-XT Exoskeleton, is worn like a backpack and is designed to provide support to the arms and shoulders, as well as improve posture. The trial is in its third week and will continue through next week.

To learn more, click here.

DOD Releases National Defense Industrial Strategy Interim Implementation Report

The Department of Defense (DoD) today published the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) Interim Implementation Report, detailing the progress that DoD is making toward implementing the actions laid out in the NDIS.

The NDIS, released in January by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy (OASD(IBP)), offers a strategic vision, and identifies four strategic priorities for modernizing the defense industrial ecosystem. The Interim Implementation Report outlines initiatives from across DoD, showcasing how efforts to build a resilient industrial base are an ongoing, DoD-wide priority. DoD will be sharing further details on NDIS implementation later this summer.

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Fourteen Percent of Contract Obligations in the Past Decade Went to Small Disadvantaged Businesses and Those Owned by Women and Minorities

The federal government spent $14.9 billion on advertising contracts over the last 10 fiscal years to inform the public about programs and services, among other things. The government provides contract opportunities to businesses owned by minorities, women, and other socially or economically disadvantaged groups.

It was found that contracts with these businesses represented about 14% of total federal advertising spending, or $2.1 billion, during FYs 2014-2023. Additionally, federal agencies spent about $1.1 billion for COVID-related advertising contracts, and 3.5 percent, or about $37 million, was awarded to these businesses.

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